“노원 재건축 재개발 신속추진 포럼” 제3회차 참석 안내(노원구청 재건축사업과)

Nowon Lifelong Education Center 48, Dongil-ro 217, Nowon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea*Please attend 10 minutes before the event starts as the venue may be crowded on the day.***”Nowon Reconstruction and Redevelopment Promotion Forum”*** 3rd round of attendance Notice 0 Date and time: “24.4.4. 17. (Wednesday) 18:30-20:00 Venue: Small auditorium on the 2nd floor of Nowon Lifelong Education Center (48, Dongil-ro, 217beon-gil, Nowon-gu)0 Target: Members of Nowon Reconstruction and Redevelopment Promotion Team and members of each complex 0 Contents: “Analyzing the Status of the Seoul Metropolitan Government’s Maintenance Project and How to Secure the Business feasibility of Nowon-gu”* Lecturer: Kim Hak-joo (Korea Real Estate Agency)The Nowon-gu Office’s Reconstruction Project Division holds the forum about once a month~~The 3rd round of the Nowon Reconstruction and Redevelopment Promotion Forum will be held below, so please check the schedule and attend on time.Hello~ Gwangmyeong Station~ Youngsoo~ Real Estate~. #Gwangmyeong Station Youngsoo Real Estate #01057423375 #Nowon Reconstruction Redevelopment #QuickPromotion Forum #3rdInformation to Attend #Nowon Lifelong Education Center #Korea Real Estate Center #Nowon-gu Office Reconstruction Project DivisionThank you. If you are eligible, it would be a good idea to attend when you see the schedule. More 50m NAVER Corp. /OpenStreetMap Map DataxNAVER Corp. /OpenStreetMap Map Controller Beomrye Real Estate Street, Myeon, Dongsim, Gun, Gusi, and Provincial CountryGwangmyeong Station Receipt Real Estate 010-5742-3375

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